
Welcome to »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË

»Ê¼Ò»ªÈË is the oldest diocese in England, stretching from Maidstone to Thanet, the Isle of Sheppey to the Romney Marsh. We have 350 miles of coastline with historic ports and seaside resorts, alongside rural communities, market towns and commuter-belt urban developments. Affluent areas often sit alongside pockets of major deprivation, offering an exciting and challenging mission context. 

At the heart of all we do is a vision of transformation for ourselves and our communities: no one can encounter God and remain unchanged. In the Diocese of Canterbury, we want to increasingly become a Christian community transformed through encounter with Christ, growing and overflowing to transform and bless the families, homes and communities we serve: Changed Lives, Changing Lives. 

Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover The Rt Revd Dr Rose

Bishop of Dover

The Archbishop of Canterbury



Listed places of worship grant extended

The scheme has been extended until at least 2025/2026.

Local priest writes Lent reflections for Church of England

Cathrine’s contributions also feature in ‘Wild Bright Hope: The Big Church Read Lent Book 2025

New Honorary Canons installed at Canterbury Cathedral

The Revd Canon Jo Richards and The Revd Canon Dr Jeremy Worthen were installed.

Today's Prayer

6 February
Pray for all those exercising chaplaincy ministry - formally and informally - within Schools, uniformed organisations, residential care communities, community clubs, businesses, health care groups, prisons, police, armed services and in sport. May God give them wisdom to respond to the opportunities given, to be assured of their calling to be witnesses to Christ. May they know the support of local churches and see God at work wherever they go.

In particular, please pray today for the Chaplains ministering in East Bridge Deanery:

Lorraine Apps-Huggins, Hilary Hills, Ray Horton, Helen Jones

Anglican Communion:
The Diocese of Louisiana – The Episcopal Church


Youth Pastor

Maidstone, St Luke's

Chair of Diocesan and Cathedral Safeguarding Advisory Group

Diocese and Cathedral

Production Coordinator

Holy Trinity, Margate

Rising Generations Pastor

Holy Trinity, Margate

Graduate Assistant to the Chaplaincy

The King's School, Canterbury
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