We know that supporting healthy, flourishing ministers (lay and ordained) is crucial for a healthy, flourishing diocese. That’s why we offer the ‘Canterbury Diet’ to all our incumbent ministers – this is an intentional programme for ministerial development, health, growth and faith. Adaptive 'Canterbury Diet' programmes also exist for Readers and Recognised Lay Ministers. Additionally, we offer a range of specialised training events, as well as opportunities for growth in prayer and spirituality - watch this space for more details.
Resources for Clergy CMD
Other Courses & Resources
CMD Funding
Funds for Continuing Ministerial Development are drawn from a central training fund and are primarily used to pay for training that is identified as a result of the Ministerial Development Review (MDR). Such training will depend on the need of the minister and might include:
- Conferences
- Retreat
- Workshops
- Mentoring
- Post-graduate study
All ministers wishing to apply for CMD funding will need to complete the in order for the training and payments to be authorised by Canon Dr Neville Emslie, Director of Mission and Ministry. Ministers are requested to gain authorisation prior to the training event and will need to identify how the training links to their MDR.
In addition, the Licensed Ministries Framework arranges and delivers specific training days and seminars often involving guest speakers. These events are publicised in order for clergy to attend if they wish.
Records are kept of the training that each minister undertakes and for training that requires CMD funding a record of the cost is also kept.
If a ministry issue has emerged in your Ministerial Review or you are interested in going on a course, please complete the application form and return it to Marianne Hambrook, PA to the Director of Mission and Ministry and Senior Administrator
Alternatively, to discuss Continuing Ministerial Development, please contact Canon Dr Neville Emslie, Director of Mission & Ministry (01227 459401).
Expenses can be claimed for the reimbursement of accommodation and travel expenses for courses outside the Diocese. Travel expenses may be claimed for second class rail or mileage rates (45p per mile). Expenses for events within the Diocese will not be refunded. should be returned to Marianne Hambrook,
Where the money comes from
Our diocese annually budgets an equivalent of 1% of stipend for all licensed clergy to be made available for continuing ministerial development. This training fund is used to pay for individual CMD applications and Diocesan events; it is an investment in supporting clergy in key transitions in their ministry. The focus is upon equipping and enabling ministry with a view to the needs of the local church, deanery and Diocese. It is therefore strongly encouraged that applications for funding are made in advance and in consultation with others – most appropriately in the context of Ministerial Development Review. With funding comes a responsibility for continuing learning and taking your new skills and insights to teach and train others. The Diocese is committed to the national guidelines on Continuing Ministerial Development and the Terms and Conditions of Service. The Diocese has moved away from the administration of individual financial accounts and is now concerned with providing resources at the point of need for clergy to equip them for the challenges of ministry.
What parishes might reasonably pay
It is good practice for PCCs to contribute to costs which will always be expected to be part of ministry such as retreats, spiritual direction and regular quiet days. In addition, it is expected that parishes will pay for travel to events within the Diocese. It is good practice for parishes to provide a book allowance per annum. This is best itemised and paid directly by the parish treasurer.